Ayurveda is perhaps the oldest system of health care in the world and originates from the Indian subcontinent.
Ayurveda is based on scientific principles of diagnosis and treatment.
It differs from conventional medicine in the basic principles of investigation and assigning causes to processes rather than specific areas of physiology.
Ayurveda has been a vogue since 5000 years ago.
Our Vedas have been repeated references to the efficacy of Ayurveda as a science of healthy life.
The western world is now realizing the value of Ayurveda in treating Chronic diseases like Arthritis, Paralysis, Stroke, Neurological disorders etc. Even WHO has given high rating for Ayurveda system.
It differs from conventional medicine in the basic principles of investigation and assigning causes to processes rather than specific areas of physiology.
The increasing awareness of herbal medicines in Western markets such as USA, UK, Canada and Japan and the technological advancements in biotech industry were two major reasons which compelled us to offer a platform like this.
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